My name is Scott
Deaton. I am 14 years old. I live in the
United States, and couldn't be happier. I
mean, no offense to those of you that
don't live here, but the US is the best
damn nation in the world plain and
simple! Sure, we don't have a legitimate
presidency. Sure, we can't keep all of
our people fed. But thank god we don't
have to wear those damn Scottish kilts,
eh? Anyway, I love basketball. I made my
high school basketball team but quit
because it wasn't any fun. I consider
myself a graphic designer. I've been
designing for about 3 or 4 months, but I
think I do a hell of a job, contrary to
what Zac might think. =)
I love e-feds. If you know a
good e-fed, send me to it, and I will
review. However, I'm not going to join. I
am faithful to only one fed right now.
That fed is the BWA. It's one of
the best federations on the net. In that
federation, I roleplay as Xer. He's kind
of a mix between Raven and Chris Jericho.
Go to the Contact section for a
way to contact me, and make sure to say
My name is Jon
Lewis. I am 16 years old. Scott is my
step-brother. He is trying to get me
involved in e-fedding. It's working so
far. I joined up in the BWA as Kris
Stone. He hasn't debuted yet, but look
for him soon! I also like basketball. I
consider myself pretty good.
I almost like basketball as much
as I like designing graphics. Make sure
to check in the Logos section for
some of my work. Also make sure to
contact me. I'm on AOL instant messenger
all the time. You can also find me on
dalnet in the chat room #claycounty.
This website
whould be an all-round mixture of graphic
designing and experimenting. This is our
first website, so look for it to be messy
for awhile. The South Park section is
Scott's creation. Jon should have
something that is originally his soon.